Friday, March 11, 2011

So I guess I'm a follower and not a leader.....

So I guess that I am a follower and not a leader, because here I am with a blog. I'm fine with this realization  because most leaders are highly criticized , and well I don't take criticism very well. I'm not sure if I have anything monumental to offer the chaos of the world wide web, however I feel that I am fun and witty and have an interesting way of putting a twist on even the worst of situations. I have to admit that as far as life goes mine is pretty uneventful; however whenever there is an event, it always seems to be bizarre and extreme, I guess that's my life. For instance, I have never broken a bone, still have my tonsils intact, hardly ever get sick but growing up the one time I did, it happened to be an extremely rare brain tumor, go figure! I'm good now though as crazy as that may sound on paper or screen, but that's just an example of the insane oddity that its my life. Even the birth of my only child was extreme.... 38 hours of labor and all, but those who have met her can attest to the fact that her life is a stage and she is the star, full of of drama, excess, energy and passion; so what better way to come into this world than with a dramatic entrance.
I'm not sure where to start here because this week I haven't had any zany experiences, or heartfelt stories that need to be shared. I want this to be a place for me to cliche as it sounds get things off my chest but I also don't want it to sound like a rant and rave page about the trials and tribulations of my life. All the above and I am an extreme maybe I'll have some exciting random chaotic encounter to write about later this week...or find a way to put my fun twist on the current and dull situations of my life right now but .... until then ...